Read Who in Hell is Wanda Fuca? : Library Edition. Leo Waterman was born and bred in Seattle, Washington, and his father had contacts that ranged from the highest offices to the lowest dives. Those contacts are Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase. I read one of the later I did know that Wanda Fuca meant Juan de Fuca in Washington state. I liked the first chapter It's not a who, it's where -the Strait of Juan de Fuca in Seattle -and its patron saint is raffish shamus Leo Waterman, whose politico father used to hang with the likes of aging mobster Tim Flood. Now Tim's granddaughter, Caroline Nobel, has got involved in something even Tim WHO IN THE HELL IS WANDA FUCA - Ex Set in Seattle where the lone P.I. Solves cases with the help of his version of the Baker Street regulars, a bunch of
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