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Sweet 1866: Series: The Making of the Modern Law: Edition/Format: "Abridged from the large treatise Maude and Pollock." OCLC, 22601598 Reproduction of original from Harvard Law The Online Books Page SEARCH RESULTS. You requested books with titles starting 1867, (30 & 31 Vict. C. 114), and the General orders of 1867:with a complete collection of the statutes relating to merchant shipping and the decisions thereon / (Dublin:Hodges Law book news:a monthly review of current legal literature and journal Front Cover. Frederic Philip Maude, Sir Charles Edward Pollock From inside the book TITLE TO AND NATIONAL CHARACTER OF MERCHANT SHIPS. 1. 9781436732109 1436732107 A Handy Book on the Law of Merchant Shipping - Abridged from the Large Treatise Maude and Pollock (1866), Thomas Henry James 9781843327684 1843327686 My Giant Press Out Activity Book, Roger Priddy 8717127012534 Connecting The Dots, Rich Medina 9780719560637 0719560632 Metrostop Paris, Gregor Dallas Law Students' Text Books As we supply the students of ALL the Uni- versities in Australia and New Zealand with the prescribed text books, we s Lock these works in large quantities. We are able to offer AT THE LOWEST PRICES because we are the largest distributors in the Southern Hemisphere. Butter worth'S, The Law Publishers, 170 KING STREET SYDNEY Full text of "A Treatise on the Law and Practice Relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate" See other formats "Abridged from the large treatise Maude and Pollock." Reproduction of original from Harvard Law School Library. Description: 1 online resource (xii, 143 pages):forms. Series Title: The making of modern law. Responsibility: Thomas Henry James. Full text of "A treatise on the law of evidence as administered in England and Ireland; with illustrations from Scotch, Indian, American and other legal systems" See other formats A Handy Book On The Law Of Merchant Shipping: Abridged From The Large Treatise Maude And Pollock (1866) [Thomas Henry James] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to The rules of the Circulating DMvSioin ('11Ameiicaii Circlalatillg' l'ibrariy ) arc -as fol lows: Cards.-A free card for two-book privilege will be issued to any applicant above the age of 16 who signs the required agreement, upon presentation at the library of mail notice that the application has been accepted. Cards are nontransferable. 9781585760336 1585760331 A Citizen's Guide to Using Federal Environmental Laws to Secure Environmental Justice, Environmental Law Institute 9781606949221 1606949225 How Muscles and Bones Hold You Up - A Book about Models, Marcia Freeman 9781557995520 1557995524 Its Your Constitution, Hazen, Tia Gindick One result of this activity was the usage book that con-sists of pieces first written for a newspaper or magazine and then collected into a book along with selected com-ments and suggestions readers (this type of book is still common today). Perhaps the first of these was A Plea for the Queen's English, 1864, Henry Alford, dean of Canterbury. Full text of "A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, as Administered in England and Ireland: With Illustrations " See other formats Full text of "A Treatise on the Law of Dilapidations and Nuisances" See other formats A Compendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping: With an Appendix,Volume 1. Frederic Philip Maude, Sir Charles Edward Pollock
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